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        1731 Howe Avenue, Suite 585 Sacramento, CA 95825 | Email:

        General Sale Now Live!

        CA Arts & Culture Summit 2025

        Join us for an enriching experience featuring insightful conversations and sessions aimed at exploring initiatives that profoundly impact and shape the lives of all who work in the arts and all that is possible when we center art, creativity, imagination, and inspiration as integral to society.

        New Report

        2024 California Arts Advocacy Survey Results

        Learn how California's arts ecosystem has evolved since the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic and in response to transformative social and economic changes.

        Wildfire Resources

        CA for the Arts has compiled a list of resources, grants, and mutual aid opportunities for anyone who has been impacted by the recent wildfires in Los Angeles County. Our hearts go out to everyone in South California impacted by the ongoing fires. We hope you’re staying safe and taking care.

        Let’s build a more creative California

        We’re helping every Californian become an advocate for the arts – from raising awareness on why the arts are so important, to providing programs and services that support our state’s creative workforce and economy.


        Learn how the arts advance our economy and society

        CA For The Arts logo

        Guides & Resources

        Information for California's arts organizations

        Video Library

        Webinars and conversations with arts advocates


        Reports that drive our programs and services

        Recent press releases


        Engage with the creative community

        CFTA logo with emanating ripples going outward

        Casemaking Resources

        Make a case for the arts to local leadership


        Help spread awareness of the arts

        Our Programs

        Get involved in programs across CA

        Creative careers

        Change starts with advocacy

        Our sister organization California Arts Advocates is hard at work driving policy change and working to increase and allocate funding to the areas that need it the most.

        Join Newsletter